Posted by Marketing on January 09 2019

A Significant Component Cell Expansion

Over the past 12 months Orthoplastics has invested in excess of $4M dollars in a massive expansion to its CNC machining capability.

With the addition of 17 five axis milling centres and 10 lathes, Orthoplastics now has a world-leading component manufacturing cell with 45 state of the art machining centres.

By choice Orthoplastics machining capabilities relate only to plastics, both implant and instrument grade, where we can offer the latest CNC machining centres and lathes. It’s important, therefore, that we keep up-to-date with the latest equipment developments and have the manufacturing capacity to work at optimal levels.

Our investment in new machinery and technology is continuous so we maintain a plant list so customers can appreciate the true extent of our capabilities. Supporting the company’s machinery are Mitutoyo CMM’s and various surface treatments, which are engineered to exceed customer specifications.

We’re so confident in our skilled workforce and industry-leading infrastructure that we believe we can provide high quality components quicker and more cost effectively than any competitor.

Mark Allen, Managing Director, said, “We take great pride in what we do and are committed to providing our customers with a broad range of specialist services. We can only do that if we have the people, technology and equipment in place to respond their requirements. Our ongoing investment programme is extensive and designed to keep us at the heart of our industry in terms of producing UHMWPE implantable materials of a world-leading standard.”

Do you want to find out more about our capabilities? Contact us and send our technical team your questions and we’ll enlighten you.

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